(SURPRISE LILIES - (Lycoris squamigera), also known as magic lilies, or resurrection lilies, bloom from late summer to early fall, usually from the last days of July to mid-August.)
Yesterday, while heading home, I dropped by my sweet neighbor’s house for a “surprise” visit. I called her within a mile of her house. “Come on by,” she said, “I’m just sitting in the house.” “It’s too hot to be outside.” I agreed. It was 112 degrees heat index, and not fit for man or beast.
For a moment, my concerns were about others having no air conditioning; the things we take for granted. Our community is quick to address the needs of others less fortunate in such dire circumstances. Local news stations remind us to check on our our neighbors, especially the elderly.
Stop right there, Hazel Lee. I realized my age, but I too check on others. We all should.
My dear friend gave me a big glass of iced cold water as I arrived.
She informed me she had turned eighty-five the week before, with no intention of slowing down. She’s an excellent role model. I will take a pizza over soon and we can celebrate again.
After a long visit of catching up, she asked if I would like to see her Surprise Lilies. Of course I would! Her daughter had joined us, so off to the back yard we headed. When I saw them, I began snapping pictures. They were breathtaking. She and her daughter are avid gardeners. We share our flowers and ideas on every subject. I was thrilled I had stopped by. Dexter, their cocker spaniel, stayed right by my side. He’s a gorgeous He goes out only when necessary.
Back inside for another glass of iced water, she showed me her remodeled bathroom. She has exquisite taste.
She has a beautiful antique, four-legged bathtub. She explained they could not use it without extensive plumbing, and you know what that means, Big Dollars! “We use the shower so it’s just fine.” “It is pretty just sitting there,” she said. I agreed.
We talked about every subject under the sun, including fall and the holidays.
My favorite part was seeing those beautiful lilies in her yard. I’m amazed how nature
tricks us with its surprises. Surprise lilies indeed. She said she went out to water and
there they were!
What a lovely visit. Until next time,
Drop me a line with pictures of any surprise lilies in your yard. I would love to see them!
I have a collection I have written from country drives, stopping to look at someone’s gardens and flowers. I call such writing the extraordinary in the ordinary. It keeps my writing more interesting.
On a road trip many years ago, while driving my daughter home from college, I noticed miles and miles of sunflowers growing on Interstate I-235/Wichita/Salina/US-81. We had made that trip many times but this one was special. \It was one of the highlights of my driving home, seeing so many sunflower faces following the sun.
They are my favorite summer flower. I commented that I use sunflower oil to fry
my southern fried chicken. No one was interested, unless I sat a huge platter of my fried chicken in front of them. Game changer.
But traveling with a large dog and three grumpy adults is a whole set of added problems on a long road trip. “Mom, you need to get out more,” my precious daughter commented. I agreed. The heat was horrible. I left that whole matter alone. Keep driving, Hazel Lee, until you see signs headed South to Arkansas!
Did I forget to mention my precious daughter failed to get a tailgate hitch on her car prior to our flying out? There were none, no not one, to be found in Colorado, when we arrived. No problem. I had her collection of personal belongings shipped home. It was another, “it’s ok sweet daughter,” “I’m glad we’re headed home,” moments.
August is watermelon time too. I would be looking for a roadside stand the minute we were on Arkansas soil. Watch out for roadside stands with hand-written signs. Farmers work hard in all kinds of weather and depend on us to purchase their . I promise you’ll be glad you did.
Until then, rest in our Lord’s Word. A single scripture can change your attitude, resulting in positive achievements your entire day. I speak from experience.
Keep cool, love and watch out for one another, especially our four-legged family members.
I carry a couple of bowls, a small bag of dry dog food, an old blanket and a leash in my trunk. Keep plenty of bottled waters in car for emergencies.
Proverbs 12:10 tells us to, “Protect my animals, and remember that the best deed of an evil person is their worst!” Says the Lord. He means business.
Give your worries to Jesus. No telling where a walk in the evening will take you. Maybe you’ll see some Surprise Lilies! You’ll forget about your worries. I did.
Until then, be safe, watch out for one another, pray without ceasing and we all said Amen!
Lovingly, Hazel Lee
Drop me a line. I would love to hear from you, happy summer,
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