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Writer: Hazel Lee Hazel Lee

Updated: Jun 18, 2021

Earlier this year, I had been writing about the basics of life and what those basics were to me. Ironically, within a month of writing this story, I heard the words, corona virus, for the first time. Food, shelter and clothing were my picks, but a personal relationship with Christ is first.

Regardless of circumstances, everything usually falls into place, but not always. A sudden loss of my husband from a heart attack devastated me. I never wanted to write again. Eventually, after much prayer and counseling, I was able to move forward.

My faith assures me, Christ will direct my path. My dependence grows stron creating a greater need in my life for Him everyday. Where am I going with this? Right back to the basics of life.

I have learned throughout life, one must be equally strong in body, mind and spirit. Your interpretation may be different, but the equation is the same. It is referring to the totality of our actual human being.

Like a three-legged stool, let just one of those legs break, and your stool will collapse. So what does your three-legged stool of life represent? Think about it. Once discovered, you will find your purpose and God’s plan for your life. It doesn’t happen overnight.

I remember a song by country music singer, Waylon Jennings, entitled LUCKENBACH, TEXAS, released in April 1977. It‘s about a couple living a “high society” lifestyle, causing undo stress on their marriage to the point they are feuding all the time. “This successful life we’re livin’s got us feudin’ like the Hatfields and McCoys,” and finances (“four-car garage, and we’re still buildin’ on”). Jennings suggests they should get back to “the basics of love” and move back to the small town of LUCKENBACH, TEXAS!

Today’s world is no different. The only change is the time.

Regardless of how much, how big, or how little stuff one has, it’s just never enough!

Watch all of the television commercials, excuse me, even better, watch all of the POP-UP ADS screaming you deserve more! So we are going to give you your dream! 72 months to pay off your car loan, interest free! Purchase whatever vehicle your little heart desires, because you know you deserve it! No interest!

You can take it off road, like a nascar driver. All you have to do is SIMPLY take it to the car wash and clean it up, then load up your kids for school the next morning. Now the bad part. You have to go to work to make those interest-free payments every month!

It will have lost it’s new shine and smell of new leather. Did I say leather? Of course I did! I don’t know why they use cloth covering for seats, or whatever it is called!

Forgive me. I am being cynical. The truth? I have fallen victim.

In fact, my leather seats are designed to keep you frosty cool, or cozy warm. My goodness, you can even set your own temperature! Where do I sign!

It reminded me of my daddy’s ‘57 Ford Fairlane. He loved that car. I can still see him walking around it. He called it his “baby.” He used some kind of cleaner, removing every inch of dirt or skid marks off of those white wall tires. Was it necessary? He would have told you it was. In fact, he would have loved my car I have today.

Who doesn’t like the smell of a new car!

I must tell you, the only reason I have a new car is because my old car, a 2001 model, was completely destroyed in a hail storm. At the time, it was 14 years old, 120,000 miles, in mint condition, paid for, no payments.

When my insurance adjuster looked at my car, she totaled it. You know what that means. I cried. I loved my car. It was considered a luxury vehicle, four-door sedan. Why did she do that? She gave me a check right there on the spot! Case closed!

“Take that check straight to your car dealer,” she told me. When I arrived with ole blue, my car dealer was waiting. with a huge grin. He had been bugging me to buy a new car! My goodness, I needed it in my profession! In fact, you know what? I “deserved “ it! Yep, I sure did! My new car was so shiny! It smelt just like new leather!




I was crying so hard, but I had sunglasses on. I wanted my Ole Blue back. They could not believe it! Oh yes, now I had car payments again. Wonderful! Excuse me, lease payments, because my cpa had explained in my profession, I could deduct payments as a business expense.

I did not care. I wanted ole blue back. Cashmere interior, it was my cream puff. We had a history together! 14 years! Most peoples’ marriages don’t last that long these days! I’m sorry. That was not nice, but unfortunately, it is true.

Lord forgive me, but I had a flashback. One of my older clients had called last year, wanting to liquidate some of his properties. He explained he had traded his OLD wife in for a new one! I wanted to physically hurt him, like hit him in the face, but I figured time would take care of that. It did.

Within a few years, he was back. New wife left him, with a whole bunch of his money, and he was trying to get old wife back. He simply did not know what had happened. He said he just couldn‘t help himself. Oh my, I held my tongue. Decisions. Choices. Carpe Diem! Seize the Moment! Live for today, forget about tomorrow!

Guess what? ‘Old’ wife had gotten a complete redo, and make-over. She had a new husband, traveling the world, lost 40 pounds,couldn’t be happier! Even their kids were thrilled for her.

She was no longer interested in him. He was devastated. He passed away not long afterward. I have heard the old saying, ‘the grass may be greener on the other side, but you still have to mow it.’

Life is full of decisions. I have had to make some hard ones myself, but God was by my side.

I didn’t mean to poke fun at him, but I have read, we do reap the seeds we sow. How did I get off the subject! I’m sorry. But isn’t it the truth! All decisions great or small, should be prayed over, asking God for his wisdom and direction. I have seen too many similar situations in my professionend the same way.

That same truth applied to me. Making car payments again was upsetting. I could not go back and clean out my car. I loved that old car. It was a classic, just like me! Classics never go out of style, so I am told. I’m also a pearl girl. I am sure you can figure out the rest.

Car ads today are far from reality. To encourage a buyer to purchase a new car, zero interest, with 800 credit score, so you can speed over mountains, dirt roads, well, I find it unwise. I understand. You just have to get that great feeling born to be wild, hair and sand blowing in your face, only to find out you were being totally irresponsible.

What are they trying to tell us? Simple. We need a new car! I have to differ. We don’t deserve anything, except Gods grace. He gives it to us freely. No strings attached, except to follow Him all the days of our lives.

I simply want a safe car to get me from point A to point B, reasonable on gas and great safety features. Often my cargo includes my three precious, nonreplaceable grandchildren, who I worship beyond words. I work hard for my money. I would expect those of us who don’t have a rich unclework hard as well!

OK, I will get off of my soap box. I feel sometimes I am on an island by myself, expressing my feelings, but just take time to watch some of these ridiculous commercials. I truly want to speak to their marketing Director, putting these ads on the airways. They know how to reach into our wallets.

Practicality? Where is it! There is none! I deserve it, I should have it, and that’s that! Out come the no-interest credit cards, if you are running low on cash. Another trick of the trade.

I think I have covered everything, but Lordy be, I have my new car and mine goes faster, further and SAFER than yours. In fact, it can flip itself over, right itself back up, and drive just fine. I’m just kidding.

Common sense seems to be on its own vacation these days. Carpe Diem! Seize the moment! Like abusing one’s body, there will be repercussions for making bad decisions. From Bob Dylan’s song, ‘the times, they are a-changin.’ It’s still true, I’m afraid.

Critique your budget. If you don’t have one, get one. Likewise, write down the hours in a week. Then break down each day. Where do you spend your time and money?

Once discovered, there is where you will find your heart.

I must tell you, I can hardly complete the things I write about on a regular basis. Be kind to yourself and take YOUR time. My writing and asking you to do this is inspired from my Heavenly Father. He seems to tap me on my shoulder.

I am somewhat amazed what road my writing travels. Listen to that little voice inside of you, Hazel Lee. If you are not sure where it came from, simply pray. Ask God to direct your path. I have been doing it my entire life. I can assure you, He has never left me. It is I who left Him.

Proverbs 3:5 & 6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, He will make your paths straight!”

Making bad choices because I was too proud to listen to Him, has caused me great ramifications, and pain. I come running back to Christ, like a scared, little sheep, asking for forgiveness. Guess what? He’s always there waiting. How comforting is that! Again,

He didn’t leave. I did. It’s all about our choices.

“Pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall.”

Proverbs 16:18.

Read John 10. “He is our Shepherd, and His sheep know His voice.”Follow him around, and you will find yourself.

Think of Christ as your daddy! I do, because he truly is. Listen for His voice. When in doubt, do nothing. Seek Christian counsel. Stop, be still, pray, then start over.


you did.

When you read about the people God chose in the Bible , they were all flawed, yet, He used them. Somehow, that gives me great comfort. I dont have to be an A+ student for God to use me. Frankly, I can’t. Thank goodness our Lord understands.

Just when I allow a little bit of arrogance to creep into my mind, just when I think I am a superior human being, that’s when I end up eating humble pie! He has His own way of getting our attention, trust me!

How about when my six-year old sweet Caroline checks ME and my attitude. “Lee, can we talk about Jesus again?” Yep, that’s when I bring my head down from outer space, for yet another piece of humble pie! He knows when to get my attention. Trust me, he did. I’m over it.

Lord, I hope Jesus never asks me to get a peach tree switch, like mama did. My mama could give Him a piece of advice about me on that subject. “Go get me a peach tree switch, Hazel Lee, and bring it to me.” Hearing that, I ran like a little banty chicken to my granny’s, remembering her yelling, “That’s ok, Hazel Lee, you’ll be home by supper time.”

When back home, she seemed to have forgotten my switching, or did she? I will have to ask her someday.

Thank you for reading my book, investing your most invaluable gift, your time. We can’t get that back once it is gone. Have a BLESSED DAY! Time changes, but our Heavenly Father is the same, today, tomorrow, and forever!

Until then........stay safe, God has his Hand on us!

This story will be included with my new book, coming out this fall. I pray you were uplifted, blessed and do continue reading my posts! May God bless and keep you and yours,






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